Sunday, November 13, 2011

Legend Of Zelda

It's the 25th Anniversary for the series this year, so I figure some fanart is in order.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Practice night

I'm trying to do a bit of painting every night. (I do a lot of vector normally, but I'm still wanting to really grasp painting.)

So here's two quickies from this week.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mega Man Tribute

I got into the Mega Man Tribute book Udon is putting together. It's set to release soon, so now I can share what I did!

also, here's some info on the book from Udon



-the book is premiering at the San Diego Comic-con at the UDON booth (#5037), July 20-24

-for fans not attending the show, you can preorder the book at ( )


- The standard softcover edition is also available for preorder on ( )

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Quick Update

Been pretty busy lately, but I managed to get a vector piece done, and some painting practice in.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A brief update.

Been a bit quiet recently. I've taken to doing CHoW Challenges over on Concept art recently. Here's a few of my entries.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

CHoW 232 - Zodiac Warrior

Character of the week challenge over on This was fun!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So, last week, I heard that Konami was hosting a contest to get designs for the new Silent Hill.

I had a bit of a nerd-freakout.

When I came to, I decided to enter. I'm now in the top 10!
If anyone out there would like to help me win (that's right, I'm looking at all 5 of you. Mom and Dad, you don't count.) then you could vote for me.

The link to my design is right here

To vote, you need to Like the main silent hill fanpage first, then voting will be enabled. You vote by putting a Like on the entry you want.

Thanks, anyone who helps!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Long time no post! / Art for Someone.

It's been a while since I posted anything! Tonight when I went out to eat with some friends, including my room mate Rosemary, we were doodling a bit in a sketch book.

After she graffiti-ed a sketch I did of a super dumb looking Megaman to look like her character Dennis, I sketched out the man himself. I liked the sketch enough to finish it when I got home.

This one's for you Rose :D